Our Work

We are dedicated to doing our best for you!



Digital and collaborative experiential learning

Aeqlia combines the engagement of experiential learning and play, the robustness of behavioral science, and the power of technology and data to deliver unique, engaging and impactful learning solutions for learners, teams and organizations. of the whole world

Aeqlia Web App


Accelerate your sales cycle with the right introductions

Kaminoo web app enables independent sales representatives to do the right introduction to their network


Engie Ecoboards

ENGIE takes on the challenge of the energy transition through its three businesses: electricity, natural gas and energy services


A fun and innovative social application

Dumpya allows users to voice their opinions and concerns – even strong ones - in a fun social way that differentiates itself from any other App!!


Coaching and Mentoring that scales

Map career pathways & development resources to retain & engage your people with coaching & mentoring that really works


Develop Your Coaching Career

GoMasterCoach app gives you access to tools, programs, and generates reports to help you track your clients' progress. It is totally customisable, too! Coach more people, in less time, with better results

Go Master Coach
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